The “classical music” format is broken.

One of the phrases at New Music Gathering 2016 in Baltimore that stuck with me was “The format is broken.” I was watching a panel on developing boards for non-profits and the speaker is the artistic director of an ensemble.

Having read Christopher Small’s Musicking in college, I’m acutely aware of the ritual surrounding human activity. Classical and contemporary art music have so much ritual around them. The whole experience is often a participatory monument to power and authority — where the power and authority don’t reside with the audience (or even the musicians).

The following three videos by Melissa Snoza, of music entrepreneurial supergroup 5th House, are about building audience. And they help to outline one method of rethinking format.

Video 2 is focused on the “persona” method which I, personally, find less useful than more direct methods of audience identification. However, the “persona” method is still better than what most people are doing. So use it as stepping stone to deeper customer development processes.

Video 3 gets back on track with actual data and deeper thinking.

Community and markets

As I get ready to head to the New Music Gathering I’ve been thinking a bit about conferences, markets, and community. Please excuse me while I ramble a bit and think out loud.

While NMG is very explicitly “anti-market” in their determination to avoid the usual conference table of ware-hawkers, …

pre-New Music Gathering 2016

I’m very much looking forward to attending the 2nd New Music Gathering in Baltimore later this week. Over the past year I’ve spent time getting to know a few of the attendees via my involvement with Musochat (speaking of, you can get the archives here and also hear a great interview of Shaya and two of the other co-conspirators here). It’ll be great fun to put faces to avatars. I’ve also done some thinking on community and marketplaces as a result.

Since last I did an update post I’ve added a bunch of great videos of  Frantisek Vyrostko playing some works for double bass by Carter, Scodanibbio, and Gajdos.

I wrote a little bit on revenue streams and pivoting based on a Future of Music Coalition post. I still need to write something based on my notes from their excellent conference this fall. Ah well.

New bass stuff out there on the interwebs

A couple of great new developments in past couple months as well. First, one of the inspirations for this site is Jason Heath’s blog. He’s fired it back up again as a podcast and it’s great. Very excited he’s back at it!

Also, I’m psyched that my friends Lauren Pierce and Geoff Chalmers have teamed up to do some youtubey goodness!

Tons of great info is likely to come from that duo.